Q&A With Anson Smart - Garden Life


Journal / Q&A

Q&A With Anson Smart

Photography is second nature to Anson Smart

We caught up with the well-known and incredibly talented photographer, Anson Smart, who we were fortunate enough to work with recently to shoot a range of our products out at the Chalets at Blackheath. His eye for detail and lighting was second to none, helping to feel out each scene and create a story for our products.

We asked Anson what connecting to nature means to him, how gardening fits into his life, and how nature as a whole influences the work he creates.


1. How do you connect with nature in your day to day?
An ideal day for me would include a surf or swim in the ocean followed by a walk with my dog Miso, although sometimes work gets in the way. Luckily as a photographer who utilises natural light, I am always connected to the outside even when shooting inside.

2. Is there a plant that you couldn’t live without?
My favourite plant to eat is broccoli and my favourite tree to look at is the ghost gum.

3. Describe your garden (or gardening?) style in one word?

4. Being a renowned garden and interior photographer, do you often find yourself inspired by other people’s gardens?
I love gardens that have personality, like architecture and interiors they can reflect personal style. People who spend time developing their own gardens with help from a designer or without often have the most style and personality.

5. Has there been a garden that you’ve shot that really left an impression on you?
A few years back I was asked to photograph the famous La Mamounia Hotel in Marrakesh. This amazing hotel is not just famous for its incredible interiors but also for its famous garden. The garden was gifted to the Prince from his Sultan father as a wedding gift in the early 1900s. They have beautifully maintained this garden ever since.


6. What’s the best piece of life advice that someone has ever given you, and who gave it to you?
My dad, “don’t do what your mum wants.’ Now that sounds bad, as my mum has given me lots of amazing advice throughout my life. I guess my dad has always lived his life following his own path. We all reach a crossroads where we can take the safe path or go down an unknown one. Luckily I followed my own path with photography and it has gifted me so much.

7. What does gardening mean to you as a practice?

8. What’s the best piece of advice you could pass onto a younger creative?
I was very impatient as a young photographer, a more established photographer gave me some advice that I have followed and that’s to be patient, show up every day and do your best, then move onto the next.

9. Who is your creative guiding force?
Natural light.

10. Is there anything you still want to learn in life?
I would love to learn how to design and build my own house.

11. If you could snap your fingers and change three things right now – what would they be?
Only need two as Scomo is gone… rush through our development and the use of renewable energy globally. Globally reduce meat consumption.


View Anson’s work on his website to see how he plays with and explores the use of natural light.

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